The team here at Upper Room Ministries Christian Academy is dedicated to helping parents learn more about URMCA while also providing support throughout the admission process. We look forward to meeting all future Lion families soon and showing you what URMCA has to offer! For all inquires, please send us a message below then call us 770-997-2506, to verify we have received your message.
Upper Room Ministries
Christian Academy
587 Garden Walk Blvd.
College Park, GA 30349
Tel: 770-997-2506
Fax: 770-997-2506
Email: urmcajca@yahoo.com
Apostle Tanya D. Collins
Founder & Head Administrator
Tel: 770-997-2506
Email: ptdcollins@netzero.net
Mrs. Monica Bergeron
Director of Operations
Tel: 770-997-2506
Email: urmcajca@yahoo.com
Ms. Maya Collins
Assistant Director
Tel: 770-997-2506
Email: urmcajca@yahoo.com